Tag Archives: empowering

Traits of Leaders Who Empower

Leadership conjures different images in peoples’ minds.  For some, it may be an overpowering ogre that demands respect and shows little mercy.  The overwhelming burden of contemporary leadership research suggests the most effective leader is one who empowers his followers.  Here are some common traits of leaders who empower:

Empowering Leaders Trust Their Staff.  Trust is a valuable leadership tool.  It’s hard to come by and easy to lose.  If you have a nagging need to dig into every detail of your staff’s work, they’ll not feel empowered.  You’ll be creating a staff of dependents, incapable of independent choice.

Empowering Leaders Defer Credit. Basic leadership principle: Accept credit for corporate failure and defer credit for corporate success.  Besides the fact that no one likes to hear a leader gloat, it models respect and humility to properly acknowledge individuals and their efforts.

Empowering Leaders Know When to Push.  Some of your staff may be naturally resistant to empowerment.  They may have been previously conditioned to be dependent on the leader.  Know when to give your staff the extra push to think through things on their own.  For example, instead of providing them with an answer, throw their questions back at them and force them to think it out.

Empowering Leaders Lead People.  This may sound basic, but it’s essential to remember.  Leaders, you’re leading people.  Even if you have a task-driven personality, remember that you’re leading a staff of people with real feelings, varying personalities, and diverse levels of expertise.  Take time to know them for who they are.  It will enhance your leadership significantly.

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