Tag Archives: sven

5 Leadership Lessons from the 2010 Olympics


The coach yells.  We all cringe.  The rest is history.  Unfortunate history.  Ice skater Sven Kramer would have won Olympic gold if his coach hadn’t yelled, directing him to the wrong lane.  A move that would disqualify him from his gold.

Imagine the disappointment from the skater.  Imagine the embarrassment from the coach.  Not only was he about to qualify for gold, he was paced for a record.

Have you ever seen a leader like this coach?  Yeah, they’re sincere—just sincerely wrong.  In church leadership your decisions can bring a much greater impact than the result of an Olympic trial.  When you’re faced with the tough questions that will ultimately affect your congregation’s vision, spiritual growth, or public relations, carefully consider the consequences of your decision.  Avoid making a snap judgment that you’ll regret in the future.

In small matters, decide fast and move on.  When it’s the big game, though, you’ve got to know your stuff before you make the call!

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